1. Meteorfall: One Year Retrospective | by Slothwerks - Medium
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What a year! This is a look back at the experience of developing Meteorfall over the past year, including sales numbers and a preview of…
2. Meteorfall: Journeys Reviews - Metacritic
It's a true labor of love and a roguelike card game condensed to the very essence. One of my favourite go-to games of all time. Read More. Jun 21, 2020. iOS ...
Meteorfall is a deck-building roguelike. You'll choose your class from one of four unique adventurers, and then set out with a deck consisting of some basic attack cards. During the course of your adventure, you'll be presented with the opportunity to add powerful new cards to your deck.
3. 'Meteorfall: Journey' Review – Cards Against Calamity - TouchArcade
Jan 30, 2018 · Enter Meteorfall: Journey ($3.99), a roguelike fantasy RPG that just happens to be built on cards, and one where your skill at deckbuilding on ...
Once upon a time, most of the card games you'd find in the App Store were of the CCG variety, and with some notable exceptions, not very inspiring ones at that.
4. Review: Meteorfall - Stately Play
Jan 25, 2018 · Meteorfall has you pick between the four archetypical fantasy RPG classes and go on a romp until you either beat the Big Bad or die trying.
iOS Universal, Android • We’re not huge fans of hyperbole here at Stately Play–the best damned site in this or any other universe–but when a game like Meteorfall shows up, it seem…
5. Meteorfall: Journey. IOS Game Review. - Paul's Picks
Aug 23, 2019 · I found this game fun and the replay value pretty high. It's worth learning a bit about the various characters to see which fits your fighting style.
I don’t normally have time to play games on my phone, but every year I go up to my family’s cabin for about three weeks over the summer and without access to wifi up there, I have been …
6. Meteorfall: Krumit's Tale - Slothwerks - Medium
May 8, 2019 · Like the original Meteorfall game — Meteorfall: Journeys — Krumit's Tale is a run-based, deck-building game. That means that in both games ...
A couple months after the release of Meteorfall, while working on the Necrodude update, I started brainstorming some new designs for a…
7. Meteorfall: Journeys - Slothwerks
Meteorfall is a card game, pure and simple, but still a darn good one that is well worth checking out. Matt Skidmore, Pocket Tactics. Additional Links.
See AlsoGleb Osatinski Dress StyleMeteorfall: Journeys is a deck-building roguelike. You'll choose your class from one of four unique adventurers, and then set out with a deck consisting of some basic attack cards. During the course of your adventure, you'll be presented with the opportunity to add powerful new cards to your deck. No adventure would be complete without slaying a few monsters that get in your way. In battle, you'll draw cards from your ability deck. Each time you draw a card, you'll be able to swipe right to play the card, or swipe left to skip a turn and regain some stamina. Between battles, you'll venture through a variety of locations, represented by an encounter deck. You'll encounter blacksmiths that can upgrade your cards, temples that can help you optimize your deck, and mysterious characters that will make you all sorts of bargains.
8. Meteorfall: Krumit's Tale Reviews - Metacritic
Make no mistake, this is a very good game. A great game? It might not have that ambition. ... Meteorfall is my current favourite card battler, which is saying ...
Krumit's Tale, the second game in the Meteorfall universe, is a new take on the deckbuilding roguelike genre. Use your cards to clear dungeons, then upgrade your deck with new cards and perks to press forward. The fate of the world is in your hands.
9. Card effects on Card Game, how? - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
Feb 2, 2018 · Hi, i'm currently working on a small single-player card game, much like Meteorfall: Journey ... time (status and maybe some basic/frequent ...
Hi, i’m currently working on a small single-player card game, much like Meteorfall: Journey, and after reading quite a bit on how to make a CCG/Card game and what else i couldn’t figure out how to make specific card effects. I see that people advice to create Scriptable Objects with the card status, so you just have to fill up the blanks every time (status and maybe some basic/frequent effects much like the keywords on Magic the Gathering). But when it comes to specific effects, that only tha...
10. Reviews - Rate the game you finished/retired | MetaCouncil
Jul 30, 2020 · ... game in a long time that was the complete package, and actually good. ... all will end it's a great journey. Finished. Mixed bag this one, it's ...
Finished Smile for Me This is definitely the most creative and funny game I've played this year. You're playing as a florist who ends up in some kind of psychiatric institution, and your goal is to make the other residents smile by solving their problems and grieves. If you succeed, this...
11. Meteorfall Dev Blog
Feb 1, 2018 · It's a streamlined deck-building roguelike, inspired by Peter Whalen's amazing 'Dream Quest', which is one of my top iOS games of all time.
Now that Meteorfall has been out for a week, I wanted to do a retrospective of Meteorfall’s development cycle, as well as share some of the financials. I’m sure he wasn’t the first to do so, but I give a lot of credit for Meteorfall to Arnold @ Tiny Touch Tales and his transparency into the financials of a small indie developer. It was from Card Crawl’s astonishing first year and healthy long tail that I realized that even a single developer could still compete on mobile if they had something to offer.
12. Data Deep Dive: 'Meteorfall: Krumit's Tale' on Steam
Oct 21, 2020 · The title benefited from a fanbase from the first mobile-only Meteorfall game - going into the Steam Early Access we managed to get ~1400 ...
Gobs of information for your delectation.
13. Meteorfall: Krumit's Tale, a quirky card-based dungeon crawler with ...
Sep 1, 2020 · Meteorfall: Krumit's Tale, a quirky card-based dungeon crawler with an Adventure Time inspired artstyle (PC/iOS/Android) · Saucycarpdog.
Steam | iOS | Android Some gifs to see the artstyle and animations in action: